UPDATE on the Moffett Tournament Fundraiser:

 You do NOT  have to be a golf member a Lake Henry Estates to play! This event is open to anyone. Last day to sign up is Tuesday, February 4th by 12 noon. (Food is being ordered Tuesday afternoon). Please consider joining the fun and supporting the Moffett Cancer Center. The Golf Committee is hosting the Moffitt Cancer Center Fundraiser Golf Tournament  on February 8 th .  The sign up to play is near the Pub door.  The cost is $25 to be paid at the door that morning.  For
those not playing, donations are greatly appreciated.  Cash or checks can be given to
the LHE office.  Or you can utilize the attached link and make a donation by credit card.
Here is the link to the donation page for your



Questions:  Amy Tousignant and Kathi Dockstader