PHOTO GALLERY: Derby Day Dinner

Photos submitted by  Jeanne Whitt and Jerri Gage Jeanne Whitt hosts the Derby Day Dinner Kitchen help were Beth & John Muntzinger, Martha Chalmers, and Phyllis Hennen.   Patty & Phil Shaffer managed the bar in “Derby Day” style Ready with...

PHOTO GALLERY: March 2025 Coffee Talk

Loretta Kramer and Nancy Benz represent the LHE Sew n’ Sew Quilters as they sell quilt raffel tickets, with proceeds going to the American Cancer Society and Relay For Life. Shirley Smith, Carol Criger, Ruth Formella and Beverly Brooks-Gore handle the drawings,...


Photos by Jeanne Whitt The Community Garage Sale takes MANY volunteers.  Thank you to  all the Traffic Controllers, the Bake Sale volunteers (sellers and bakers), and those involved with the hot dog sale. “Come and get it,” say the Grill Masters Wayne...

PHOTO GALLERY: Valentine Dance

Clarence & Joann Hoffman, Diane Tebaldi and Beverly Brooks-Gore  handle tickets Shirley Tilley and Bev Headworth were the Valentine barmaids Tony Knight’s Band wooed the audience with great music The singers interacted with residents The music was fun to...

PHOTO GALLERY: “Souperbowl” Fun

Photos by Kathy Blaskovich and Jeanne Whitt The soup is on. “Come and get it” Nancy Kerr and Sharon Rick test the appetizers. Desserts are a must. Jerri Gage chooses her dessert. Football cupcakes! Rick Marston keeps the beer flowing. Let the game...

PHOTO GALLERY: Moffitt Golf Outing

Photos by Herb Kramer. Thanks to Amy Tousignant, Kathi Dockstader and a host of volunteers for a successful Moffitt Golf Outing.  The group raised $1,850 to donate to the Moffitt Cancer Center.  Well done!     Participants had a beautiful day and a great...